DSM function camera compatible with epcom mobile dvr, help identify abnormal driving states EPCOM XMRDSMSENSOR

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DSM function camera compatible with epcom mobile dvr, help identify abnormal driving states


Availability: 138 in stock SKU: XMRDSMSENSOR Categories: ,


okAvailable Stock USA

Safety on wheels

Safety in public transport, transfer, taxis, etc. Is a matter of concern in case of traffic accidents or protection against possible assaults; the means of transport make necessary the existence of a central management system that provides protection against criminal activities such as theft, outbursts, among others



  • Camera with DSM fuction to identify abnormal driving conditions
  • Lens 6mm. 
  • AHD video output with 4 pin aviaton connector
Physical and electrical characteristics:

  • Input voltage 12 Vcc
  •  Operating Temperature -40~70°C.
Main Characteristics:.

  • 1 year of warranty


Additional information

Dimensions 6 × 12 × 10 foot

21/11/2024, 3:47 PM

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