Temperature sensor for Ruptela’s trackers RUPTELA RUPTELATEMP

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Temperature sensor for Ruptela’s trackers


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Temperature Sensor:

Ruptela’s temperature sensors are designed to measure the temperature of the cargo and the refrigerators. The sensors operate with an accuracy of ±0.5°C in the temperature range from -40°C to +120°C ±0.5°C. The sensor housing is IP67 certified, ensuring its durability despite various harsh working environments.


  • HCV5/LCV5/Pro5 series
  • HCV5/LCV5/Pro5 Lite series
  • Pro4
  • Eco4
  • Trace5

  • Transportation companies specialize in frozen products that need to keep exact control of the temperature of their trucks.
  • Where you need to know the temperature of vehicles and determine the correct operation of the cooling system
  • Include the temperature sensor with existing sensors such as Fuel, Voltage, Efficient Driving, and Doors Open or Closed, among others



Additional information

Dimensions - × - × - foot

21/11/2024, 11:07 PM

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