Expansion Module Vplex of one Zone and Relay HONEYWELL HOME RESIDEO 4101SN

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Expansion Module Vplex of one Zone and Relay


Availability: 9 in stock SKU: 4101SN Categories: , , ,


okAvailable Stock USA

-Contacts of relay of form C of 2A, 28 VAC/VCC with the supervision of contact
-The position of relay is supervised, but not the external contact wiring
-A class B / B style RFL for supervision of the zone of the aux input
-Operation of power supply and the communication with the panels of control through the loop – multiplexed V-Plex addressed
-Mounted tablet in a small plastic box protected with a tamper
-Mounted electronics in a small plastic box with cover of forgery protected
-Converts the installations of burglar and fire residential and commercial

*Note: Some panels do not this function

Additional information

Dimensions 3 × 9 × 6 foot

22/11/2024, 12:28 AM

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