EPCOMGPS CLOUD / Mobile DVR / 4 AHD Channels 2 Megapixel / HDD Storage / H.265 / AI Embedded Chip / Supports 4G / WiFi / GPS EPCOM XMR401NAHDS
EPCOMGPS CLOUD / Mobile DVR / 4 AHD Channels 2 Megapixel / HDD Storage / H.265 / AI Embedded Chip / Supports 4G / WiFi / GPS
- Description
- Additional information
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Safety on wheels
Safety in public transport, transfer, taxis, etc. It is a matter of concern in case of traffic accidents or protection against possible assaults; the means of transport make necessary the existence of a central management system that protects criminal activities such as theft, and outbursts, among others.
- Storage in HDD up to 2TB.
- 4 channel AHD analog up 2MP + 1 IP channel up to 2MP.
- Video compression format H.265
Physical and electrical characteristics:
- Input voltage 8~36 VDC.
- Operating Temperature -40~70°C.
Main Characteristics:
- Compatible with Ceiba2.
- It includes 4G, GPS, and Wi-Fi modules.
- Supports alarm input and output.
- 1 year of warranty.
NOTE: The Wi-Fi module is available for devices purchased after May 10, 2022.
Additional information
Dimensions | 13 × 29 × 19 foot |
Created: | 21/11/2024, 3:11 PM |